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Byrdman's CD18
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
Posts: 3329
City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

History Buffs Read on...some neat stuff.

Looks to be hull #14, built in "E" or May of 85. Original registation documents ND regristration on 6 May 85. Stamp date on envelope from ND Game and fish dept is also 6May85, from Bismarck, ND. Also included in envelope is the 1984-1986 ND Boat and Water Safety Guide... pretty interesting.

I may be wrong on E standing for May, Things appear to have not changed at the plant Laughing , forcasinting completion dates were difficult then too... Smile I guess the serial number date could be stamped real close to completion date,...and Mr. Alm was living at the plant waiting for his boat to be completed as some of us still do. These boats do take you over....

It does have the original decals on it...all be they very faded... Has the C-Dory of course, address listed as 25028 Pacific Highway S? ...can't read the last letter due to the mounting or a rod holder.... Kent, WA 98032, phone 839-02?? ....last 2 digits also block by rod holder.

Interesting looking document.... form number UDS106DOC dated 12Sep97... No names, no date information, but list the vesses at 85 C-Dory DOR18014E585, but 19 is listed as the length, and list the EZ-loader trailer as a 1984, 1ZE1SKT19EAO15366 with a empty weight of 507.

Found some missing numbers of the decal...on the original bill of sale from Marben Marine, 25028 Pacific Hwy SOUTH... and last 4 of phone were 0222.

WOW Shocked Roy Toland Inc, (D/B/A Marbing Marine) sold the trailer for $1,200 on 29Apr85 to Mr. Alm, Toland names on the original paper work, list Dana Toland as VP of Marben Marine/ROY TOLAND, Inc.

NOW>>>WOW>>>WOW Shocked Shocked New boat price on same date was listed on bill of sale for $8,229.00... so we are up to $9429 for vessle and trailer. Only missing part is who sold Mr. Alm the 50hp Johnson motor and for how much...? I give up...what did a 50hp motor cost in 85??

The man who sold the boat to Bobbie, and it looks as if he fished a lot, with a nice live bait box/bend built in with circulation pump, rod holders everywhere... Looks as if old decals had the vessel name of "Cheri-Jay". Will follow up on all that.

Have takens some pictures (Yea...found camera!!) and will send as soon as I can figure out all this software. Going to have to order some cross members, lights, re-wire the trailer, which has new axle and tires. New ropes/belts/straps and several bolts needing to be replace....but in real nice shape for 20 year old.. Has a 50hp Johnson, also a 85 year model...and starts right away.... Bobbie had just had motor maintenance performed to include the rebuilding of the carbs. Need a new prop right away.... Not sure if Bobbie or prior owner ...but one of them it appears hit something and grinded a bit....but the skeg is very smooth, flat and not bent or chipped at all. I guess it could have been a major batch of Margareeta's at the beach....grin. Interesting little vent system on the outer hub of this prop, on the exhaust end.

Has a kicker mount, (OMC auxilary motor mount) rated for guess I will be searching out the threads on kickers on this site.. and attempting to find a nice 1985 4 stroke kicker to match the age of the rest of the boat... Xmas Eek Xmas Eek ...or... to get the 4 stroke I might just have to see what motor manufactures have for deals at the Seattle boat show...and just carry it back as a piece of luggage. Xmas LOL Xmas LOL

YES..The Tacoma would tow this boat no problem. I had a 92 Toyota with V6, 3500 towing capacity and towed a 1802 Trophy Cuddy Cabin with no problems....other than stopping on wet roads... Had to keep her in 3rd gear with the tow/power button pushed, but longest haul was from Montgomery, AL to Norfolk VA for a military school....and surly they did not think I was coming to the Chessepeake Bay area without my boat. I have to keep priorities in line.

Weight of new 16'Angler is 850#. New 19'Angler is 1650...but with higher headroom of 6'2".... and this boat measures 63" or 5' 3" from floor to center ceiling...give or take 1/2" for tape bending and measuring in the dark.... but, 5'2" is the headroom for the current 16' Angler... So, take 16' weighs about 53.125 per foot.... But, this boat is much more like the 19 other than headroom...basically...and the original flat bottom of course. The beam is about 7'6" to possibly the 7'8" as the current 19... measuring by myself in the dark...floppy tape... and at the widest possible area which appears to be just aft of where the bulkhead....WOULD BE... Great open boat for our hot summer the 16 Angler and cruiser... Now...I gotta rig me up a bulk head for winter.... and yall thought FreeByrd's AC pics were good.... Weigt of vessel only I am guessing to be about 1530 to 1600 based on the weight of the current 19' Angler at 86.842 per foot....minus some for the lower head room....but then who knows ....some part of this boat might be much heavier than the current 16/19/22 Anglers. Things change...but it truly does not look like much has changed...

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Norm S

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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City/Region: Tacoma Wa
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C-Dory Year: 1984
C-Dory Model: 18 Angler
Vessel Name: The Divine Miss C
Photos: The Divine Miss C
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Byrdman, probably better that you were closer and quicker than me or I would have had another 18. About the bulkhead... If you are not in a screaming hurry, I was planning to unscrew mine in the not too distant future to measure up for a new one. The fake teak on mine was pretty hammered. I finished it with Cetol which helped but am looking at replacing it with real teak plywood. When I pull it out I'd be happy to send you a set of full sized templates. It wou'ld make your job a bit easier. Your profile says you are retired but I got the impression from posts I've read that you were an army aviator???? Just curious. I'm a former CH 47 crew chief...former C-141 Engineer and at present a C17 loadmaster. Will also look forward to hearing from you how the 18 performs with the 50. My original 50 dumped a head gasket on the second run. I replaced it with an older 70 that has been the consumate PIA. It has never developed full power. I am looking to repower this winter and am looking at either the 75 E-tec 70 yamaha or 60 yamaha. the 60 would be nice due to the decreased weight if it is enough power. Info from your 50 will help in that decision.

If You're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space!
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Norm S

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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City/Region: Tacoma Wa
State or Province: WA
C-Dory Year: 1984
C-Dory Model: 18 Angler
Vessel Name: The Divine Miss C
Photos: The Divine Miss C
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Byrdman, Just figured out also we may own the rarest of the C-Dorys. Another post said there were 20 some 27s built. We don't have an exact history on the 18s but yours is just about a year older than mine and only 2 #s later. Obviosly they were not building very many a yr.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gentlemen - I split the above off from the for sale thread and moved the ad to the Reference Forum where the topic is locked. This history stuff is too good to leave languish in some dark corner of the Pub.

Please, by all means ramble on!! Very interesting. And very nice to see the kinship develop between a Yank and a Reb simply because their boats are a foot shorter and two feet longer than any available today. That Norm seems like a very nice guy with some generous offers of help. I think you two will get along good at the upcoming SBSCBC.

TyBoo Mike
Sold: 1996 25' Cruise Ship
Sold: 1987 22' Cruiser
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Norm S

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
Posts: 110
City/Region: Tacoma Wa
State or Province: WA
C-Dory Year: 1984
C-Dory Model: 18 Angler
Vessel Name: The Divine Miss C
Photos: The Divine Miss C
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mike, Much thanks!!!! While I enjoy every post that I read on this site I will admit that I have longed for the specific trade of mods and info that the 22s and more recently the 25s share. Some of the stuff is generic and can be adapted to any size boat. A lot of that other stuff has to be guessed at. I have no doubt that in this case Byrdman and I will both benefit from each others experiences in what we try on our boats. I really do hope to make the gathering in Jan. My only issue is that as an activated reservist I spend about 2 wks out of each month flying over in the sandbox. I am hoping that I can manipulate my trips to be home at that time. Could not make any on the water gatherings this yr due to motor issues. But spring is coming!!!!!
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
Posts: 3329
City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Norm. Thanks for your duty. Well, I started off as crew cheif and door gunner on UH1 D modle in the 450th Air Attack, then to the 3/278th Armored Calv Regt, .. 28 years of service with the last 20 being active. Went thru E7 enlisted, commisioned and thru major, got picked up 1st round DA LTC board....and the Guard offered me 2 year tour in the box for LTC.... I declined, told them I had went everywhere they had asked me in the last 28 years for floods, riots, police and fireman strikes, deployments...... I would take my MAJ, and my boat and go home. I would hate for your flight schedule to not work out that would keep you away from the SBS. Would be great to met you.

Would love the templets. Yep, I had already started saving the newspaper to make me cut-n-tape...and may continue just to cut me a if nothing else "back door" out of some type of foam building board for the cooler winter months this winter, and hook up some type of Force10 heater system. Then, work the bulkhead down the road a bit. I gotta get her in the water.

I will follow the lead of what some of the new 19 Anglers are/have done. Robbi has a very nice heater set up...and forgive me Robbie...your vessel name slips me at this time... Sad
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Mike.... WOW....over 800 views on the original 1985 18 Angler for sale link. That is a lot of viewing for such a short viewing period.... One of the larger viewed numbers I see searching by last post date.

Thinking on naming Her..... C-Byrd.

After seeing some of the more recent post on the factory re-tro's and upgrades, I may just have to drag her that way for about a week in the shop at the factory to be sure She receives the true love a C-Dory deserves... and be forced to stay in the area and just visit other folks.
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Mr. Fisherman

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Byrdman, if you find your self out here and would like to go Sturgeon fishing let me know. I been looking for an excuse to get out...

Live to Fish
Fish to Live
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can Do! Would love the opportunity to fish with you.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Posted some pics.... of "C-Byrd"

Go to

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Page 10 to the FreeByrd Albumn
Pages 3 & 4.

Now going to have to read up on correct ways to un-name & rename...properly...with a gathering of course

Gotta go..... Auburn vs. Alabama day!! Very Happy

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Pat Anderson

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the pix, Was this the $4,000 boat from Florida? [Patty, don't read this!] We probably need two boats also, the 25 for cruising, and an 18, maybe even a 16, for those quick runs out for a hour or three of crabbing...

Byrdman wrote:
Posted some pics.... of "C-Byrd"

Our C-Dory Albumns
Page 10 to the FreeByrd Albumn
Pages 3 & 4.



DAYDREAM - CD25 Cruiser
CRABBY LOU - CD16 Angler (sold 2020)
Pat & Patty Anderson, C-Brat #62!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GEEZE! I hope we get lucky and stumble into a deal like this one when we get down there, Patrick. You just never know when you'll find one, I guess...that "little old lady who only drove it to church on Sundays..."

You'll have many days of tinkering ahead of you...sounds like fun!


"Life's too short to hunt with an ugly gun"

At last...home for good in the Great Northwest!

2001 22 Cruiser "Foggy Dew" 2006-2013
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
Posts: 3329
City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Pat..well...and Patty because if she has not seen your post yet she soon willl... grin. Yes, it is the the 4K boat. Looks as if it has been garage kept, and the original owner simply just loved to fish. Some areas where I can see where some items have been mounted, some removed, and some remain. I would almost guess some drift fishing too due to the very nice plumbed raw water bait box/bench/storage thing. Several rod holders still on her. Looks as if some down riggers had been mounted on the aft corners, and something large up front on either the port or starboard side....sitting here I can not recall which side, but it had to be something that needed to move due to the "spacers" that are still mounted and it is mounted with a pair of 1/4" size bolts. But, everything that has been removed, has been covered with a nice thru bolt/nuts/washers and 5200, and if it was not a thru bolt, same gig...pull off gear, re-enstall the stainless screw with 5200. It does look to have been garage kept too. Mostly fresh water use. Trailer needs new crossmembers, new rollers, new rope/belts, new lights....but has just had new tires, and new axle.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
Posts: 3329
City/Region: Cumberland River, Clarksville,
State or Province: WA
Vessel Name: " ? " After Rename Ceremony
Photos: FreeByrd and C-Byrd
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Razz Razz Hey Rick!! Well.... I think in this case the owner who kept it, Mr. Alm who bought it new from the Tolands, kept as good of care of her as the lady with the car. She is sweet.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pat, you got a great deal on that! Had it been closer I might have been tempted to snatch it up myself! That is a great boat and an even better deal!

I don't think I would put a bulkhead on it. I would just put drop curtains on the back. You would be amazed at how much difference they make. Plus you can simply roll them up when it is warm out.

Gary Johnson
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