Covered previous holes with large starboard after filling and redrilling holes and rebedding handrails with 5200 to correct cabin roof leaks
Viewed: 296 times.
A few holes to fill & drill
Viewed: 270 times.
Even got the new skin cleaned and sealed
Viewed: 290 times.
Four glide oat applications up to Second plank above water line
Viewed: 299 times.
Clean reflection
The snaps hold the bottom edges of the mosquito netting- They’re called “SNADs” and do not require holes to be drilled just prep with their primer. Sailrite carries them
Viewed: 299 times.
Close up on SNAD connectors some Al plastic and others steel with flex for corvette mounting
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Ground a dremmel saw bit fir reaming core from hole sides
Viewed: 264 times.
Reamed and ready to fill
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Filled and flush
Taped underside of cabin roof and filled with paper funnel after brushing balsa core with unthickened epoxy
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Holes redrilled perpendicular
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Working Alone: nuts inside cabin wrench on roof
Viewed: 244 times.
Working Alone: bolts from cabin roof. To seal I made a small circle of 5200 on bottoms of flanges and around holes on cabin top. The handrails were suspended just above holes for fine alignment without smearing sealant.
Viewed: 270 times.
Since NOTHING will adhere to Starboard, I used butyl tape between the bottom of the holes where they met the cabin top.. tight acorn nuts underneath with fender washers make a durable seal
Viewed: 263 times.
Viewed: 361 times.
Eight weeks of wet sanding, compounding, and polishing top to bottom
Viewed: 373 times.